The city of Washougal has received a clean audit report for the 11th consecutive year.

A recent Washington State Auditor’s Office report indicates that city operations complied in all material respects with applicable state laws, regulations, and its own policies, and provided adequate controls over the safeguarding of public resources during the 2020 fiscal year, according to a news release issued by the city.

“Independent audits provide essential accountability and transparency for city operations,” according to the news release. “This information is valuable to management, the governing body and public stakeholders when assessing the government’s stewardship of public resources. The independent audit reports on the city’s compliance with applicable requirements.”

The city’s finance department management is responsible for ensuring compliance and adequate safeguarding of public resources from fraud, loss or abuse, including the design, implementation and maintenance of internal controls relevant to these objectives.

The Washington State Auditor’s Office independently serves Washington citizens by promoting accountability, fiscal integrity, and openness in state and local government, and striving to ensure the efficient and effective use of public resources.