Camas needs Steve Hogan’s experience

As we move towards a mayoral election, I would like to share my experience knowing Steve Hogan. I have known Steve for 25 years and find him to be an excellent candidate for mayor.

Steve has worked hard for the city. He has supported Camas and the people here through his work on the council as well as a coach for youth soccer and a supporter of the Camas School District. His experience on the council and as a businessman have given him the background to be an outstanding mayor for all of us. He knows how much work this job entails; it is a full-time job. He has the experience, leadership and dedication to support our city and move Camas forward.

There has been discussion about his votes during the pool replacement issue a few years ago. He voted no on every council vote for the bond until the then-mayor pushed for the voters of the community to decide the issue. At that time, Steve voted to allow the people of Camas to decide if they wanted this pool replacement. Allowing the voters to determine this issue did not mean he voted for the community-aquatic center, only that he wanted to give the people who would pay for this the opportunity to say yes or no.

I ask you to support Steve Hogan for Camas mayor.

Nancy Koty,



Vote Tim Hein for Camas City Council

I am endorsing Tim Hein for Camas City Council. This is Tim’s first run for an elected position. However, as a volunteer, he has been on the Camas Planning Commission for 17 years. During that time, he has shown a strong aptitude for balancing the pressures of growth with the popularity of our beautiful parks, trails and trees.

Camas naturally attracts newcomers, both new businesses and citizens alike, but this takes vision and long-term planning. Tim has these skills and will work closely with his colleagues in City Hall to do the right thing with an eye on budgets and respect for private ownership.

I endorse Tim for his planning experience and love for the city of Camas.

Mark Klein,



Vote Cox, McEnry for Camas School Board

I’m writing to express my support to reelect both Erika Cox and Corey McEnry for Camas School Board. Having lived in Camas for almost 20 years, my husband and I have been impressed not only with each of the schools our two kids have attended since first grade, but with our school board as well.

Both Cox and McEnry are the right candidates for the job for several reasons. Cox has volunteered at various in-depth levels for the schools for 16 years, and McEnry has been a public school teacher for 13 years.

Each has made a point to be approachable and open to listening to the public, with Cox serving on the Citizens Advisory Committee and McEnry conducting listening posts and meeting face-to-face with community stakeholders. Each has also demonstrated the utmost of professionalism when the board meetings got heated and people harangued them – even calling them evil and shameful. I was shocked and disheartened to see the displays of misguided anger, yet glad to see that Cox and McEnry handled the situations well. Each has also been responsible and transparent with our taxpayer money in their decisions on the school board.

Our community is stronger because of Cox and McEnry’s contributions on the Camas School Board. Please join us in voting to reelect them.

Patty Barnard,



Experience matters: Vote Steve Hogan

On Nov. 2, Camas voters will select who will serve the remaining two years of our last mayor’s vacated four-year term.

In my 48 years living and working in Camas I have never written an endorsement for a city political candidate. Here and now, I feel compelled to express my unequivocal support of Steve Hogan for Camas’ mayor.

Working with Steve Hogan on the Camas City Council for more than 13 years, I have observed his moral, calm, caring and competent leadership. Steve consistently makes measured decisions based on his broad life and business experiences while integrating his perception of the public’s desires. Time and again, through his work, comments and votes, Steve has demonstrated a commitment to our Camas citizens’ well-being and quality of life. Steve has been tireless in his advocacy to preserve our amazing natural resources.

Now is the time to calm the “turbulent waters” we have had to navigate over the past two years. Now, more than ever, our city needs the experience, stability, vision and proven leadership that Steve Hogan will bring home to our beloved Camas,

I can attest that the job of the mayor of Camas is complex, difficult and all-consuming. I am confident Steve is aware, prepared, enthused and ready to serve.

Please join me supporting Steve Hogan as Camas’ mayor for the next two years.

Don Chaney,

Camas city councilmember


Camas mayor shares lessons learned on job

The election is near, and ballots have arrived. It’s time to cast our votes to elect our next mayor. I became Camas mayor in May 2021 and have learned much about the job.

First, the mayor is CEO of a municipal corporation with a $100 million budget, 225 employees and five unions. The operating environment is dynamic: coping with unfunded mandates from the state and federal governments; complex partnerships to deliver fire protection and emergency services to 43,000 citizens; and studies leading to zoning and other action to accommodate growing population. Other studies are needed to develop plans to repair, replace and update infrastructure. Unlike neighboring cities where a city manager oversees daily operations, in Camas the mayor is responsible for ensuring City departments do their jobs and prepare for the future.

Second, we must consider the qualifications necessary for a successful mayor in this environment. It requires experience running similar organizations, understanding of budgets and finance, strategic vision, change management, pragmatism, intelligence, empathy, integrity, and character. Third, being mayor of Camas has grown well beyond a part-time job.

As you consider the choices for Camas mayor, determine who has the right talent to best fill the role to lead Camas.

Ellen Burton,

Camas mayor


Washougal needs Sinclair, Carpenter to remain on school board

Washougal needs to keep Donna Sinclair and Chuck Carpenter on the Washougal School Board.

Schools in Wisconsin are being sued for rescinding mask mandates required by that state and for ignoring other state and federal health requirements.

Donna’s and Chuck’s opponents are endorsed by a misguided group that has been loudly asking school boards to ignore mask mandates and other COVID-19 requirements. If that group gets its wishes, expect expensive, unnecessary and useless lawsuits. Also, more kids, teachers and parents getting sick; this pandemic lasting longer than it should; and a continuation of the resulting frustrations and stresses on society and the economy.

John Latta,



Camas needs new leadership; vote Senescu for mayor

We need new leadership in the city of Camas. No more of the same!

Camas mayoral candidate Jennifer Senescu’s experienced opponent is experienced in making poor decisions. He supported a failed $78 million pool bond, a detox center next to an elementary school, raising your taxes and the never-ending problems with LaCamas Lake.

As a retired, 23-year city of Camas employee, I believe it is time for a lifelong Camas resident, business owner and executive director of the Chamber of Commerce to come in with strong and fresh leadership.

Camas needs the new leadership that Jennifer Senescu will provide.

Tami Strunk,



Vote Cox, McEnry for Camas School Board

As a retired professional who supports Camas’ strong education system, I will vote to retain Corey McEnery and Erika Cox on the Camas School Board.

They both have shown a strong commitment to meeting the educational needs of all students and they provide equity and balance in their decision-making, while listening to all community concerns.

Sandra Gangle,



Vote Hogan for Camas’ next mayor

We support Steve Hogan for Camas mayor.

We have known him for over 20 years as an honest ethical advocate for our community. His 16 years as a city council member and occasional mayor pro-tem provides the experience to manage our city effectively and continue the tradition of Camas being the best place to live.

His opponent is sending misinformation: Steve never voted for the pool bond measure. He supported letting the public vote, which is the democratic process we all support. Steve Hogan would never misrepresent facts in a campaign or as our mayor.

Bruce and Donna Whitefield,



Vote Jennifer McDaniel for Camas City Council

I am encouraging you to elect Jennifer McDaniel as your next councilor for Camas City Council, Ward 3, Position No. 2.

I have known Jennifer for over a decade, and have worked with her on a number of community projects. As a consultant for Washougal, I led the update to their transportation plan and Jennifer was very engaged, asking good (and sometimes tough!) questions, but always trying to improve the plan for the betterment of the community.

When I was with C-TRAN, Jennifer supported a balanced transportation system and was fully engaged with what we were planning and how the system could better serve the east county communities.

I have known her personally over that time as well, and she is an involved and upstanding citizen of our community willing to listen to and work with all viewpoints. Please vote for Jennifer McDaniel!

Chuck Green,



Camas needs experience, stability and Steve Hogan has it

Camas citizens have an important and unique opportunity this election. We are electing the next mayor who will lead our wonderful town for at least the next four years. Steve Hogan is not only qualified for the job; he is the only candidate who will be ready on day one to lead the city. Steve’s experience on the Camas City Council, his background in managing large organizations and his long-standing community involvement demonstrate he is in this for us and not for partisanship or unrealistic ideas/promises.

Passion and ideas are great, but they don’t make you qualified to be mayor of a growing town with hundreds of employees. We have seen what happens when someone runs for office on this basis, with no understanding of what the job actually entails. We have seen what happens when an ideologue runs for office, often focusing their campaign on one issue and/or on what’s “wrong” with the governing body they seek to join.

Holding a local, elected position is hard work. If you don’t have experience, it’s a huge learning curve. Ideas are great, but that’s not how local government works. It’s about the minutiae and boring details: the biennial budget, labor contracts, fixing streets, planning growth under the GMA, ensuring public safety and infrastructure related to water, sewer, garbage, etc.

Camas needs experience and stability. Steve Hogan is the only candidate with the experience necessary to bring stability to City Hall. Please join me in supporting Steve Hogan for Camas mayor.

Deanna Rusch,



Firefighters union endorses McDaniel for Camas City Council

The East Clark Professional Firefighters serving your community are proud to endorse Jennifer McDaniel for Camas City Council.

McDaniel has an established track record of also serving the community. Having previously held elected office, she demonstrated her appreciation for public safety and her approach will bring a much-needed balance to the Camas City Council. Her vast experience will allow her to immediately begin the much-needed work of representing the entire community as a proven leader on council. McDaniel does not seek to further division but instead will work to bring the community together.

As firefighters, we believe McDaniel understands the needs of emergency response personnel and will be able to use her experience to help ensure our community is provided this essential life-saving service.

Please join us in our support and vote for Jennifer McDaniel for the Camas City Council.

Kevin Bergstrom,

President Local 2444, East Clark Professional Firefighters


Senescu ‘has plan to bring back memories we all love and miss in Camas’

I’m ecstatic to endorse Jennifer Senescu for mayor! Some of my best Camas memories are taking my daughter to the outdoor pool and spending time at the lake. We’ve lost both as our taxes continue to climb.

I’ve known Jennifer and her family for 15 years. I trust that she is running to fix the problems created by failed leadership.

Jennifer’s strong ethical commitment to fiscal responsibility, management of our resources and love for her fellow citizens is greatly needed. Jennifer has a plan to bring back the memories we all love and miss in Camas!

Linda Herman,



Vote Hogan for strong city-school district partnership

Camas is a unique place where the city and school district work in close partnership, planning regularly and collaborating to enhance student safety. Together, we do safety drills, develop safe student crossings, and invest in our shared school resource officers.

Steve Hogan supports this good work as a school volunteer, city councilman and supportive community leader. He’s the former president of the Camas Educational Foundation and views the partnership with schools as an important and symbiotic one. It’s part of what makes Camas a special place to raise a family. Steve Hogan has been the voice of Camas High School soccer for over 20 years and is all about giving back to our community and supporting youth.

Vote Steve Hogan for Camas mayor!

Doug Quinn,



Vote Cox, McEnry for school board; Boerke for city council

As the president of Camas Education Association, I have a front row view of the workings of the Camas School District from the boardroom to the human resources office. I represent around 460 members who care passionately about students. It is a great privilege to share our political endorsements with the community after interviewing candidates.

First, it is imperative that we re-elect Corey McEnry and Erika Cox to the school board. The professionalism and care they bring to the board are impeccable. They actively listen to concerns and act in the best interest of students.

Likewise, Marilyn Boerke’s decades of experience in human resources for the Camas School District demonstrate that she understands people. Being on the Camas City Council requires this. Marilyn understands discourse and conflict resolution. She understands that being part of a local governing body is not about partisan politics or grandstanding. She truly and genuinely wants to help move our community forward and her background and skill set will enable her to do that. Please join me in supporting Marilyn Boerke for Camas Camas Council, Ward 1.

Shelley Houle,



Elect Hogan to see lake cleanup through to the end

This is a letter in support of Steve Hogan for mayor of Camas. We are thankful for his experience and devotion to our city for 16 years as a member of the Camas City Council.

In recent months, the city has purchased and annexed land on the north side of the lake ensuring Camas of available land for parks, trails and open spaces. In the well planned areas north of the lake, there are opportunities for industry and homes. We are grateful for the forward thinking by Steve and this council. If we are to attract more industry, we have to have property available.

It is true that Lacamas Lake is unhealthy and thanks to Steve and the current city council, the planning process to clean up the lake is already underway. This will be a lengthy and costly endeavor, Steve’s leadership will see this through to the end.

There is still mention being made of the Camas pool. Why? It’s a dead deal, it was not forced upon us. We voted, said no, end of story.

Our city has had three short-term mayors. We need stability in leadership. The ballots have arrived in the mail, and we are marking ours for Steve Hogan for mayor. We hope you will, too.

John and Marian Neumann,



Safeguard our schools: vote Sinclair, Carpenter for Washougal School Board

I endorse the work of the Washougal School Board and re-election of Donna Sinclair and Chuck Carpenter.

Following the laws concerning required curriculum and masking allows kids to return to school full time. It protects our school district from lawsuits like Wisconsin is experiencing. Paying taxes for schools is investing in America’s future; but not if those taxes pay for lawyers, court costs, fines, and penalties assessed for not protecting children.

The opposition states that their candidates support teaching children to think. Their actions show this only applies if you agree with them.

Safeguard our schools. Vote Sinclair and Carpenter.

Mimi Latta,



Vote Sinclair, Carpenter for Washougal School Board

Please vote for Donna Sinclair and Chuck Carpenter for the Washougal School District School Board! They are the candidates with experience, focused on keeping students in the classroom, and support all students regardless of identity! They listen to parents and citizens every other week at the Board meetings. They have been extremely patient and accommodating even when being threatened, cussed at, and had lies told about them.

Unfortunately, there are some that are harassing both of these candidates and it’s not OK. The candidates running against them have associated themselves with the Washougal Moms group. Janice D’Aloia and Sadie McKenzie are running a campaign of lies. They claim that the Board “won’t listen to parents,” but that is actually code for “won’t repeal the mask mandate.” They claim that they will keep politics out of the classroom (it was never there), support students of all abilities (WSD already does), teach diversity (WSD already does), and teach children how to think, not what to think (WSD already does).

The Washougal Moms put on a “tribunal” in June of this year and both Janice and Sadie were there after submitting paperwork to run in this election. While Janice didn’t say much, Sadie’s messaging was anti-mask (state mandated) and anti-CRT (we don’t teach Critical Race Theory). It is on YouTube for everyone to see and verify the facts. This was a conflict of interest at a bare minimum. The “Moms” have also put their non-PAC registered signs all over town and in some cases, in front of Donna’s and Chuck’s political signs. It is quite noticeable that they have not done that with any of Janice’s or Sadie’s signs.

I get it. Not everyone will be happy all the time, with all decisions made. The one thing that is true is that we all have to share public spaces, follow the laws, and allow democracy to prevail. What the Moms group is doing is not democratic. Our system is built on laws and electing representatives to govern on our behalf, based on majority rule. If one does not like the representation, one can work to elect someone else, but in a truthful and ethical manner. One cannot decide which laws or rules they want to follow and then call out others they feel are not following the laws or rules. That is hypocrisy.

Why, you ask, would they still run for reelection after being subjected to such behavior? Think about it. They don’t have to do this job, but want to do this job and do it well. They have shown they are capable of doing just that. They show up and do the difficult work, despite the threats, bullying and intimidation. They are simply here to make our schools and community better.

Please vote for Donna Sinclair and Chuck Carpenter for Washougal School District School Board!

Wendi Moose,



League of Women Voters does not endorse candidates

The League of Women Voters is proud of its 101-year nonpartisan reputation.

Unfortunately, another organization in the area is seeking to promote a slate of candidates using a name and logo similar to ours.

The League never endorses or recommends any candidate or political party.

Refer to our website at or email us at [email protected] if you have questions or concerns.

The League of Women voters is dedicated to defending democracy and empowering voters.

Nancy Halvorson,

President, LWV of Clark County