Hogan has leadership, experience and vision Camas needs

Our inviting, vibrant downtown makes me so happy. We need a mayor who understands and supports downtown Camas.

Steve Hogan will be that mayor.

Steve has been a long time supporter of Camas businesses and was a founding board member of the Downtown Camas Association.

As the landscape of downtown and its surrounding areas continue to change, it will be imperative to have a mayor with leadership, experience and compassion for our downtown core and mill area. Only one candidate has the leadership, experience and vision this moment demands! Please join me in supporting Steve Hogan for Camas mayor.

Nan Henriksen,


Camas mayoral race: Hogan’s experience really does matter

I am writing today to endorse Steve Hogan for mayor of Camas. As a resident of Camas for 24 years, I have worked with and witnessed the performance of the various mayors over those years. Some were excellent, others not so much. I have also known Steve Hogan for 20 of those years.

There are some common themes I can point to that run through those past mayors who performed at a high level for our city. One of those themes is integrity: do what you say you’re going to do; do the right thing even when no one is looking; and faithfully carry out the wishes of the Camas citizens with a clear eye towards all.

Another theme that I observed is visibility. And visibility comes in many shapes and sizes. A high performing mayor should be accessible and should be a very good listener. They should stay close to the citizens on a regular basis; attend an occasional Downtown Camas Association meeting; be open, honest and consistent at city council meetings; patronize the local businesses; help celebrate a grand opening, and much more.

A successful mayor has experience. And with experience comes wisdom. An experienced servant of the community draws on the past and will do the right thing far more often. Steve has all three of these common themes: integrity, visibility and experience. I’ve personally worked with Steve in the private sector and also during his time as a community servant. And I can say with a great deal of confidence that Steve Hogan will serve our community in the same way that the past high performers have served.

Mark Klein,


Remember pool bond when voting for Camas mayor

Regarding the upcoming Camas city mayoral election, I think it is important for the benefit of new and old residents of Camas to remember the events leading up to the $78 million bond issue proposal for an aquatics center that was soundly defeated by 90 percent of the voters in 2019. A current mayoral candidate, Steve Hogan, as a council member voted on July 19, 2019, in favor of putting this bond proposal before the voters after the preexisting pool was demolished. This ordinance stated that the 2019 city council thought the proposal was in “the best interest of the city.” Surprisingly, there were no recorded “no” votes on the expensive proposal. Is this the kind of leadership we want for Camas? In my opinion, there was a serious council failure to communicate with and listen to the majority of Camas constituents along the way. Experience matters. Maybe it’s the voter experiences that matter most?

Doug Hail,


Vote Cox, McEnry for Camas School Board

I am writing to share my support for reelecting Corey McEnry and Erika Cox to the Camas School Board.

I have nothing but respect and gratitude for the dedication, professionalism, and evidence-based decision-making our district staff have displayed through the pandemic. They have responded with transparency and adaptability, striving to keep the health and safety of our children their primary concern.

I have sat through board meetings and witnessed the verbal abuse and discourtesy some of our community members have displayed.

Corey, Erika and their colleagues, have looked past these distractions and continued their service to our children and our educators.

I am sure so much has been learned in these last few years, which gives me all the more confidence in reelecting Erika Cox and Corey McEnry.

Erica Stupfel,
